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DID HQ Virtual Phone Numbers from around the world for VoIP, SIP and PBX systems.

DID HQ provide you with virtual phone numbers from 65 countries and over 2400 cities around the world.

Link your DID HQ number to your mobile, land-line, office, home, VoIP system, SIP server, soft phone, Global SIM card, PBX or conventional phone system.

With a DID HQ virtual number, callers pay local rates to call you, no matter where you are in the world.

Family, friends, customers and business colleagues to stay in touch with you cheaply and easily, often for free.


No set up fees, contracts or minimum usage requirements.

From only £2.49 per month

Numbers available from Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Hong Kong and many more!

Local phone numbers available from over 2400 cities and more than 60 countries.



  • Numbers from over 60 countries and 2400 cities
  • Unlimited incoming call minutes on your DID HQ number
  • Free incoming calls on your DID*
  • High capacity connectivity
  • Soft phone & VoIP phone support
  • Full call history logs
  • Online account management
  • Change divert and forwarding at any time free of charge
  • Worldwide forwarding
  • Map directly to a GeoSIM global SIM card*


Flexibility and Quality

DID HQ numbers can be redirected at any time using a friendly online account management platform.

All numbers use our high quality interconnections with redundant routing, thus ensuring a robust and reliable service.

All DID's are normally activated immediately, if not, within 24 hours. All call (forwarding) credit is applied immediately.


For Business...

For business use, a local virtual telephone number is a great asset that allows your clients and customers to keep in contact with you by calling your local number.  Your local number diverts to your office, mobile or switchboard and you take the call as normal.  Your client pays for a local call, often free, and you build your business.

For example, you may have clients in the USA and South Africa with your office in the UK. Your US and South African clients call your local numbers and you receive the calls in your UK office, on you mobile or your VoIP account.

DID HQ virtual numbers give your business a virtual presence anywhere in the world; opening your business up to the global market.


Staying Local...

It's not just about forwarding a call from one country to another either, you may wish to have a local presence in different cities in the same country, but only have one office.  Simply buy DIDs for the cities you want a virtual presence in, and divert the calls to your office or mobile.


Home workers...

Do you run a home based business or have a website, or sell on eBay? 

Use a DID HQ number for customers and contacts to call you on rather than putting your personal mobile or home phone number on your website or eBay adverts.   Stay safe and as your business grows, redirect your DID to your new premises without the hassle of changing phone numbers!

Choose a number with the same area code as the town or city you live in, or once at the other end of the country, or choose both!


Personal use...

Do you have friends and family abroad?  Why not give them a local number they can call you on?

Give them a "local global number" that can follow you no matter where you are.

Link your DID HQ number to Google Talk, SIP, VoIP and thousands of other internet based calling platforms.



GeoSIM call charges

There are no call forwarding charges made to your DID HQ account when linking your DID HQ number to your GeoSIM. However,  your GeoSIM account will be charged a $0.05 per minute surcharge for calls received on your GeoSIM via your DID HQ number.



Save upto 85% on Roaming Charges!

Global SIM Cards

Are you fed up paying roaming charges when using your mobile abroad? Save up to 85% on call charges and receive calls for free. GeoSIM has the answer!

PayPal Secure


All payments on this website are secured by PAYPAL and encrypted for your protection.

DIDhq provides you with a virtual phone number from 65 countries and thousands of cities. You can link your DIDhq number to your mobile, land-line, office, home, VoIP system, Global SIM card, PBX or conventional phone system.

DIDhq website is ran and owned by Geodesa Limited, UK Reg: 04580936 | copyright Geodesa Limited 2013